Port Mtk Chipset Rom
MTK ROM Porting Guide: Port MTK ROM or Porting ROM MTK from One MTK to Other MTK Phone. Here you will Get a Easy Guide for port ROM’s MTK chipset Android Smartphones. So friends here i am presenting ROM porting Method for mtk Smartphones. Actually MTK chipsets ROM are easy to port in comparison to other Chipsets Devices. and you are reading this easiest Guide then guess that you are a MTK phone user Or a Developer of mtk android phone. Personally i am also Using android one MTK chipset and like Mtk smartphone for their Cheapest Price and their Best Performance along with its so many new tools. Here i’m presenting MTK port Guide for newbie MTK users. All the people who rooted their phones they want to flash roms and want to port own roms in their phone so here is a steps procedure given for you to mtk rom porting guide. And this guide will work for all MT65xx phone models so don’t waste your time let’s talk about mtk ROM porting Guides. You may also see Download Odin for samsung

MTK Rom Porting Method
Before the using this easy guide to port mtk rom in your smartphone, first of all you shold check that your phone’s chipset is MTK Or Not. If it;s not MTK then Don’t port your chipset rom. and if it is MTK then you are just be ready to follow below easy steps guide to port you mtk roms of smartphone. And it is very interesting to port ROMs in Smartphones. but porting Roms in MTK chipset smartphones is little bit easy. And you can Port roms in your MTK Chipset smartphone. so friends just follow all the steps one by one, by just reading full guide carefully with cool mind and you can port your rom with mtk droid tool.
Prepare Before port ROMs in MTK Smartphones
- First Of all make sure to Backup your Stock ROM / Firmware Via CWM, YWRP or any other Recovery tools
- Before flashing MTK porting Roms Be sure that your important DATA’s Are Backed Up.
- Dont’ Port your MTK Rom if your phones Battery level is Below 50-60%.
This Rom Port Guide Will Work For Same Chipset Mtk Phones For Example
MT6575 To MT6575
MT6577 To MT6577
MT6582 To MT6582
MT6589 To MT6589
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Requirements for Port ROM In MTK Chipset Phones
- Rom File which extension is .zip format from the same MTK chipset which you want to port rom.
- Your mobile phone Rom Flashable Zip File.
- Mobile Phone Or Computer [Better to use PC for easy mtk porting].
- Some bit Brain along with Patience.
How To Port MTK custom ROMs to all Other Chipsets
- Extract the ROM to Port and you will have these main Folder/ Files
System - If there is appears these files then your are ready to go for nest steps.
- Just Go to /System Folder of Stock Rom to port
- After that Open bin Folder of stock rom and copy that files
vold - Then just simply replace these files in ROM to Port /System/Bin folder.
- Open lib folder of stock ROM and you will see these files which are below.
libvcodecdrv.so - After that just Replace all the files which are mention above to ROM to Port’s /System/lib Folder.
- Now open MTK Stock ROM’s /System/etc/ folder and just copy these files.
vold.fstab.nand - Then simply replace these files in ROM to Port’s /System/etc/ folder.
- Now you have to delete below folders from the rom to port.
/System/etc/Firmware/ - Replace below folders from Stock ROM to ROM to Port.
/System/vendor - Yeah you are Done Now Just Final Step occure, just press Back Button to go to the main Folder where you have the stock Rom.
- Just Copy boot.img [From Stock Rom] and replace it with the ROM to Port.
- Now just bind/ Make it in .zip and Flash Newly created Ported ROM file with custom Recovery such that TWRP/ CWM etc.
mtk rom porting easy method
So friends, if do you have any types of questions or query or suggestions regarding to this articles and facing any problem just feel free to comment below. Enjoy porting roms in your MTK Device. Porting the roms in mobile phone is very interesting and easy. So anyone can do this, you just needs to have some basic knowledge of how extract zip and create zip file and some more info of copy and paste and delete the file and folders that’s it. And If you really wanna port your roms, then you can do this by just follow above guide.
Note We are not responsible for any damage for your phone/ device
Porting Roms in MTK Smartphones is very easy, you just need to follow the above steps carefully, it’s not the 100% sure that ROM will work properly after the follow above guide. You must have to fix the bugs of rom and much more thing. so try this at your own risk, and i’m not responsible for any damage of your phones. in some cases your phone may also be permanently damage, But you can fix it by just flashing stock rom.
Tags :- port mtk rom, mtk rom porting easy method, MTK Rom porting method, mtk rom porting guid, Port MTK ROMs, Tutorial porting rom mtk
Will this work for mtk6735?
Yes, But Do it at your own risk. it will work on al MTK Chipset
That´s work with CyanogenMod as Port Rom?
I have Leagoo z5 (MT6580)
if your device chipset is MTK then it will work, but try at your own Risk
Sir i have a stock rom mt6582 and i can not find modules and vold related file . so i replace this files?
I mean i skip this files .