Whatsapp Encryption
WhatsApp End to End Security: Howdy Guys, Good news for Whatsapp users Now Whatsapp is Enabled End to End Encryption in which your messages are now fully secured because they have Enabled Encryption from Whatsapp version 2.15.14 Android app update. So Whatsapp Enable End to End Encryption in phone, Sending Location, Sending pdf Document. Messages, Songs, Voice notes, Images, Videos etc This End to End Encryption is now fully enabled in Latest version of Whatsapp. In other Word End to End Encryption Means your chats are now fully protected & Secured, Not Even Whatsapp or any other third party person will not be able to read your messages. Also Read Get Free Virtual Credit Card Online and Create Unlimited Facebook Accounts.
So that, No one Will come to know that which messages you have sent to any other person, Because it’s not encrypted with end to end server method. This is available in Latest version of Whatsapp, So it;s Recommended you to Update your Whatsapp right now for enable end to end encryption. and also ask your friend to update Whatsapp, then this features will work for you as well your friends. This is the Best Security MOD for Whatsapp in which your chat are now fully secured. They are using The Signal Protocol designed by Open Whisper System for its encryption. So you Whatsapp is now fully secured read more about this features.
Before Whatsapp End to End Encryption Messages Was not Secured

Before Whatsapp End to End Encryption, you Whatsapp Messages was Directly going to Whatsapp Server and Store in Their Database with Encryption of Public Key. Before Encryption Enable Whatsapp if some want to Access your whatsapp account by copying Whatsapp Folder from your Device then he was able to read your messages with some simple Whatsapp Messages reading tools. But now, It is not possible to read whatsapp messages, after the end to end encryption method, you don’t need to worry about Whatsapp Security anymore because now your messages are fully protected & secured with Encryption Key, Which will enable in your Whatsapp chat contact section.
How WhatsApp End to End Encryption Works ?
End to End Encryption is very simple and easy way in which your data will be fully secured, even not able to readable by their servers. Whatsapp will provide a Private Key for every Contact which you chat and Whatsapp also have a public key for De-crypt the Data. So your Whatsapp Messages can be Only decrypt if someone have both the private key & Public key. So it is Enable Double Security Layer over your Security. So, in this way Even Whatsapp will also be not able to Read your Messages, because they don’t have your private key. So this is How this End to end Encryption works in Whatsapp.
Developer Koum Wrote Said, “We have working for the past two years to give people better security over their conversation on Whatsapp Because our People[Users] Deserve security. It makes it possible for us to contact with our love ones. And it also gives us the confidence to speak our mind. It allows us to communicate sensitive information with colleagues, friends, family others. We are glad to do our part in keeping peoples information out of the hands on hackers and cyber-criminals.”
How to Check if Your Whatsapp Messages are End to End Encrypted or Not
So friends, for Check if your Messages are End to End Encrypted or Not, you can Simply follow below easy Steps or Methods and you will be come to know about your Whatsapp Messages are encrypted or not with Whatsapp end-to-end encryption method.
- First of all, Open Whatsapp From your Device and Open Chat Screen of Any Contact.
- Then, You will see a Notice, in chat – Messages you send to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption. Tap for more information. Like Screenshot
- if you are getting Notice Like Above Screenshot That means your Messages are Not end-to-end encrypted and now you can enjoy Fully Secured Chats and Calls your Friends / Family Members or lovers.
How to Enable Whatsapp End-to-End Encryption
- First of all make sure that you have Updated Whatsapp to latest version from your Device.
- Ask your Friends to Update his / her Whatsapp to Latest Version. Once you both are using Latest version of Whatsapp, Then your messages will be end to end Encrypted.
Whatsapp End to End Encryption is available in all Operating System Android / iPhone / Windows / Symbian etc.
Whastapp End to End Encryption is Good or Bad ?
For the Normal Whatsapp Users, Whatsapp End to End Encryption is very good because, it will secure your whatsapp messages, calls at highest Possible Security. But one more thing which are not good in this because some wrong persons use Whatsapp for Communication Like: Terrorists So Whatsapp will not able to read their Messages, If Government orders them to do so. So this feature have Advantages along with Disadvantages. this features is now fully working and enables in all Latest version of Whatsapp. So, Let’s enjoy it and give it try.
Final Words
That’s it Guys, this was the Explanation on Whatsapp End-to-End Encryption. If you have any other questions Regarding to this easy Guide then you can simply Contact with us from below comment section, and if you also have some more information regarding to this, simply post on comment i will update it. Thanks for visiting and stay tuned in AllTricksZone for more cool awesome updates.
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